Friday, January 30, 2009

WHAT??? January is over already???

I can't believe we've already gone another month. Halloween was 3 months ago, Thanksgiving was 2 months ago, and Christmas was already one month ago. Karson will be turning 4 in just a little over one month. Ady will be turning 6 months at the same time. Where does the time go? Adam and I started dating in 2003. I was almost 23 and he almost 25. He will now be turning 30, soon (next week). I can't believe how quickly it went.
To start our new year off right. We've joined a gym and I've been going pretty faithfully. I didn't go yesterday and probably not today, for I am a tad congested. Since January 1 (so 1 month in total), I've lost a total of 10 pounds, with 23 more to go (hence the weight tracker). It's amazing how good I feel. I am getting to where the number doesn't matter, I just feel so good.
Karson's friends came by to play today(Madison and Macie). And now he won't quit talking about them. I think that he thinks they are pretty great girls. He loves to have friends come over. Ady doesn't play much, yet.
As for me, I feel like I've been on the computer all day updating this blog and other pictures that I need to get printed. I am a picture nazi (hee hee).
Well, can't wait to see what February has in store for us. I'll let you know if anything interesting happens...