Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Okay. So, I'm feeling really sore, but really good. I haven't done a thing for 2 full weeks :( Yesterday, I walked/ran to Red Cliffs on the trail (walked 2 min, ran 1, and so forth). I was only able to get in 25 min, and was already sore. But I pulled my tail end out of bed this morning and went again, but this time a little earlier. I was little scared because it was still pretty dark, so I decided to go down Bluff Street instead of taking the trail. I made it to the Boulevard (and for those of you who don't know, we're thinking this is maybe a mile or mile and half ish) Not really sure. Did the same routine, walk 2, run 1. And then walked the WHOLE way home. I am working really hard to stay in my heart rate zone and today I burned 600 calories!!! Quite happy about that. Now, I'm feeling the shin splints, my hips hurt, and my feet are a bit sore. To all my running friends, and all you marathoners, God Bless You!! I have always said, "I am not a runner, I will not do it" Now I know why I say that :) I'm already looking for alternatives. It took me only 15 min to get to my gym (which is on Bluff), So tomorrow, I'm thinking I will walk/run to the gym, do a class at the gym, and walk home, OR maybe do one of those God forsaken Tony Horton dvd's and work on my arms. Adam is off, now, doing his run. It is so nice to have someone to do this with, even though we are not actually doing it together. It's great to be able to talk with him, share our experiences, and joke about how sore we are (although, I'm the only joking about that). Big shout out to him... He is on day 7 of quitting smoking!! One week down, the rest of your life to go. You are so wonderful, and I think you are doing AWESOME!! I love you, baby.