Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We have been swimming a lot lately. Karson is finally getting to where he is not so scared of the water. When we go, he wouldn't go to the deep end at all (even with a life jacket). But, today, we went again, and he took off his life jacket and swam with his dad for a while. The next thing we knew, he was holding his own nose and going all the way under the water!! Great job Karson!! Next is the deep end :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A little bit of sweet talk

I am true believer that kids can say some of the sweetest, cutest things, and Karson proves me right just about every day. I came home last night, and I usually get home later (around 9:30pm). He, of course, is in bed, and I just have to go in and get my goodnight hugs and kisses. As I lay in his bed with him, snuggling and talking, this is what he had to say:
Karson: "Mom, I want to be a fireman when I grow up."
Me: "You do? I think that is a great idea"
Karson: "Yeah, then I can save the Whole World."
There are still super heroes out there, and my son is one of them. He is going to save the Whole World!! How sweet is that?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ady's first steps

Yes it is true, she has officially taken her first steps. Now, she will be walking in no time!! While I was at home with her the other day, she took 3 steps. A little while later, Michelle stopped by and she did NINE!! When her dad got home, she really showed off, and took 15 steps!! We are so proud of her!! We are using our old camera and got a little bit of her showing off on video, but now I can't seem to download from the old camera. It's amazing how much you use your camera that you don't even realize!! Hopefully we will have a new one for her birthday and we can get back on track with pictures for her. Anyway, Congrats to our little Ady. You are growing up too fast!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July

So, of course, I'm late blogging, AGAIN. However, we had a wonderful 4th of July!! No pics, no camera still. We started the day by going to Grandpa and Grandma Christensen's new house down here in St. George. They have a pool there, and we thought it would be fun to take the kids. I seemed to have forotten mine and Adam's suits, so I ran down to Walmart and bought us new ones, and then off to to the pool. Danny and Kim and their girls met us there a little while late, and then came Grandpa. We had a lot of fun swimming. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for letting us use your pool. Ady started to get a little fussy, so we got out and decided we better go home anyway, since we were doing dinner at our house.
We went home and started dinner. Everyone that went swimming, came for dinner. Grandma DeLayne also came over. We had pizza Brats on a garlic bun with pasta sauce and mozza cheese, chips, fruit, salad, and Danny and Kim brought jalepeno appetizers. Everything was delicious. For dessert, I made a coconut cake (Adam's fave), and we were off to the park for the firework show.
When we got to the park, I took Karson over to ride some rides, but we waited in line so long for the swing ride, that that was the only one he went on. We headed back over to our blankets. Adam and Grandpa were off getting snow cones for everyone. Once we FINALLY got our snow cones (another LONG line) we sat down and enjoyed just in time for the fireworks to start. It was a fabulous show, even Ady enjoyed it. With kids and blankets in tow, we headed back to the truck. As we left the park, we noticed we were just about out of gas. So, trying to get out of the park with all the commotion, and to a gas station, and back home, only took us about 45 minutes. Not bad :)hahaha. At home around 11:30, kids are asleep, and I wasn't far behind.
We did have a great time, even with some things that didn't go quite right. We were with family, and having fun. Can't wait until our next adventure!!