Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Our family pics

We went today and got our family pictures, Karson 4 yr and Ady's 6 mth all in one setting. SWEEET!! I thought they turned out pretty cute, but I am a bit biased. I think my children are absolutely beautiful (of course) and I think we really captured their personalities in these photos.

Adyson -- And Family pictures

Just a little blip on Ady... She is so much fun these days. She is such a good baby. I think she is trying to push through a tooth; she drools A LOT, and is tid bit fussy at times.
I have said, for the last 5 weeks, that anyday she would be crawling. She can't quite figure out how to move her arms. She's got the legs down, but when she picks up an arm, she face plants it. However, she gets around. She is definetely mobile.
I can't brag enough about her. I think she is so beautiful, but of course I do. So, I'll say it again... Anyday now, she'll be crawling.......
p.s. (about 3 hours later) Ady's first tooth just pushed through!! Just felt it for the first time.... YEAH ADY!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Whats New?

I have changed my background yet once again. :) I figured since the main things that I have blogged about is birthdays and Karson's just around the corner, I would make it a birthday background.

Yes, you read it right.. Karson's birthday is just around the corner. The big 4!! I can't believe my baby is going to be 4. He IS still my baby and always will be, but he has become a little man. I am so sad. If it's this hard for me to grasp the concept of him being 4, can you imagine what I will be like when he hits the teens or even worse, adulthood??!! AND what's even worse, my Ady will already be 6 months!! What the h.... happened?

I've got a really cute "Thomas the Tank" birthday planned for him. He has definetly put his 2 cents in on every decision. I think next year, I will give him some money and let him take care of it, and then I won't have to. :) HaHaHa!

It's going to be great fun, and of course, there will pics to post (which I absolutely will). His birthday party will be on the 7th of March, and he will turn 4 on the 8th. Then, mom can finally relax and be free from the birthday parties for a while (until Ady's in Septmember).

He is going to LOVE IT! I think he would turn himself into a real train if he could. :) And, although there is a lot of planning and work that goes into a birthday party, he is absolutely worth it!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Karson and Ady

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Adam's b-day party

On February 5, Adam turned 30 years!! As a surprise, I threw him a party on the 7th of February. Oh, let me tell you the pain that goes into throwing a surprise party. :-) I decided that because he is such a clown to throw him a carnival birthday. There were many people in attendance; Thanks to everyone who made it, you sure did make his day special. And we sure did miss the ones that couldn't be there. We took a ton of pictures, had a ton of food, and sang a lot of karaoke.
The kids had some games to play, but because of the rain, they were not a success. So, to make up for it, I just handed out the prizes. We had a poster to stick our silly faces in and take pictures.
After about 12, Jared struck up his guitar, and the party continued until about 4 in the morning. What a blast!!
So, why the pain? Trying to keep a secret from someone you live with is excruciating. I tell Adam everything. I would have to go out and make him stay home with the kids (so I could get things done). He was starting to get so frustrated with me, and it was so hard to not just tell him. All the planning and work that goes into one of these. I have to give a HUGE THANKS to everyone who assisted me in the planning and putting it altogether, and everyone who was able to make it from out of town. It was worth every excruciating moment to be able to do this for him.

Happy Birthday Adam. I pray you had a wonderful birthday and also a fabulous birthday party. I love you, Karson loves you, and Ady loves you. You are a wonderful husband, father, person. I am looking forward to spending your next 30 years with you, and can't wait for your 60th. You are loved!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Karen turns 60!!

Adam and I went to Auntie Karen's big 60 surprise b-day party last night. What a blast!! There was so many people there for her. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KAREN!! You are a great person--to have that many people says a lot about the kind of person you are!!
Thanks to Michelle for watching our children. :) I pray they were easy for ya.
We had dancing, and pool, and drinks. It was at the Elks, and there was also a live band. What fun. Great times. She was so oblivious to the whole thing, which was great. Her birthday is on Feb. 17, so she wouldn't have a clue that we would celebrate this early. I can honestly believe that everyone had a great time. Good job, Jim. (and everyone else that made it happen).